N95 Respirator Mask and COVID-19
As the numbers of COVID-19 cases continue to rise in the United States there are a great deal of questions about which mask to use. A surgical mask does not protect a healthcare worker from the COVID-19 virus because it has air leakage on the sides and does not filter out small aerosol particles. A N95 respirator mask will filter out small aerosol particles and creates a seal to reduce air leakage. Each N95 respirator mask needs to be fit tested to make sure the seal is formed. Facial hair reduces the effectiveness of the seal on the N95 respirator mask.
During this pandemic it is important that we protect our healthcare workers by providing N95 respirator masks. This will reduce the chance that our doctors, nurses and other front line staff become sick with the COVID-19 virus. Although the CDC has stated that homemade masks may be worn when surgical or N95 respirator masks are not available doing so increases your infection risk. In fact an article published in 2008 stated that a N95 respirator mask provided 50 times more protection as a homemade mask. If possible use N95 respirator masks to treat during this pandemic. Stay healthy by protecting your staff and yourself.
The N95 respirator mask has been very difficult to obtain during this crisis with the COVID-19 virus. Almost all medical suppliers have sold out and many online sites have no inventory available. The U.S. government is attempting to acquire as many N95 respirator masks as possible to help healthcare workers. The government began the first federal airlift of 130,000 N95 respirator masks to New York on March 29, 2020. This will provide protection to those that are working on the front lines in one of the nations hot zones. We will need many more N95 respirators in order to keep our healthcare workers safe and contain the COVID-19 virus.
As a small practice you will be the last to acquire the N95 respirator masks. The nation has multiple states that are considered hot zones and the majority of medical supplies will be directed to hospitals in these states. During this time of national crisis please take every step possible to protect the health of physician, staff and patient. We are here to help in any way possible.